Doggy Daycare - Small dogs only!

At The Salty dog daycare your dog will enjoy a fun filled day socializing, playing and doing activities. We work hard to create a fun and safe environment for your precious pooch. Your dog will come home knackered after a day filled with chase, tug of war, fetch, treasure hunts, bubble play, pool parties, ball pits, Agility and more! We have a large fully fenced out door space where your dog can be free and play. Inside we have 2 airconditioned rooms filled with beds and lounges to encourage down time. We do regular rest and nap times throughout the day which is a very important part of their day. We are now are small dog only daycare which will provide the opportu

See our Facebook

and Instagram

stories to see what

the dogs get up to

each day!


Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am - 5pm

Wednesday 8:30 - 1:30pm


FULL DAY (over 5 hours)

Casual and first day trial - $44

regular (min 1 day per week) - $40

Full Time (3 days per week) - $37

Half DAY (under 5 hours)

Casual - $34

regular (min 1 day per week) - $30

Full Time (3 days per week) - $27

All our regular daycare care dogs know as soon as they hit our street and are jumping in their seats. They come bounding through the door and just cant wait for their day ahead.

If you want your dog to experience this kind of excitement, then call us today!

0422 515 967


  • Our main and most important requirements are; your dog must be friendly with all other dogs and up to date with c5 vaccination. If you tick both these boxes then we can chat about a trail day. We will also get you to fill in an enrolment form that will tell us lots more about your dogs temperament. If all goes well then your free to start. There are lots of factors that may make your dog unsuitable for daycare, if we experience any of these behaviors we will do the best we can to work with you and your dog to see if we can improve the issue. If we can’t then unfortunately daycare might just not be the place for your dog.

  • Please bring your dogs vaccination certificate and allow approx 10 minutes to fill out our form. Please do not bring any food or toys for your dog as this can lead to resource guarding. We may give your dogs small treats throughout the day as positive reinforcements for good behavior. If your dog has special diet or has allergies, you may bring your own treats.

  • Most likely no. Daycare is a great place to socialize an already well socialized friendly dog. It is not a place to begin socializing your dog unless its a puppy. We need you to be able to tell us everything about your dog including how it interacts with other dogs. If you are unable to do this it might be best to let your dog interact with other dogs of various sizes and energies before coming to us.

  • This is very dependent on each dog. We have seen some anxious, shy dogs really thrive and become much more confident at daycare. Then we have also seen some go more into their shell and be a bit overwhelmed by all the new experiences. All you can do is try and we will be very honest with how you dog is going each day. Every dog adjusts at a different speed and some settle in instantly and some take a few days to get into it and others just might not be suited to the daycare environment.

  • We don’t do a meet and greet as its just not enough time to get to know your dog properly but we do a trail day. We like you to come on a more quiet day and make sure you are near by incase of any issues. We spend more time with your dog on its first day introducing them to the group slowly and making sure they are comfortable each step of the way. At the end of the day we will let you know how your dog went and talk about setting him up for regular visits, we can also suggest what days might be best suited for your dog based on his play style and personality.

  • unfortunately we have made the difficult decision to no longer accept large dogs. As for medium sized dogs we accept up to the size of a cocker spaniel. If you are unsure, have a chat to us. sometimes it comes down to their play style / personality to see whether they are suited with the small dogs.


  • Lucy loves this place and runs happily in every day. She is overall a more calm dog since starting with these girls. The best decision for us to start sending her here. ❤️

    Michaela Wåhlander

  • Kenny always come back home tired after having a great time playing and running around with his fur friends! Best place to socialise our dog, can't recommend them enough.

    Angelika Sulistio

  • Thank you so much for looking after Max today. He only woke up to eat dinner, so he must have had a ball! Highly recommend this doggy day care. We are travelling in a caravan and just wanted a day in Gladstone doing things we couldn’t do with a dog in tow. We could tell straight away that the ladies have a great affinity with dogs.

    Pam Fichtner


  • Aggressive Dogs - If your dog at any time shows aggressive behaver you will be asked to pick them up immediately and your dog will not be allowed back. If you cannot pick them up straight away you dog will be separated from the group until you are able to do so. To make sure all our daycare dogs are safe we must be quite strict on this rule.

  • No shows - If you do not show up to your appointment there will be a 50% no show charge.

  • cancelations - We require 24hours cancelation for all regular and full time dogs, failure to do so will result in a 50% cancelation fee.

  • Late pick up / drop off - We ask everyone to give us your drop off and pick up times. These can be an estimate but If you are going to be much later or earlier, please let us know. We often separate dogs for new dogs coming in or may change around staff hours depending on how many dogs we are expecting so we do need you to stick to the time you have given us.